Compare The Best Personal Credit Cards

Compare The Best Personal Credit Cards

It can be tough to choose a credit card. You want one that offers great rewards, but you also want to make sure that it fits your lifestyle. The best way to find the perfect card is by researching all of your options and comparing them side-by-side. In this article, we’ll look at some of the most popular personal credit cards on the market today so you can see for yourself how they compare when it comes down to value and overall satisfaction:

Barclaycard Ring Mastercard

The Barclaycard Ring Mastercard is a no-fee card that offers some of the lowest rates on its suite of rewards programs. With this card, you earn double points for every dollar you spend on travel and dining purchases. You also earn triple points at gas stations, grocery stores, and drugstores; 10 percent off at restaurants and entertainment venues; 2 percent cash back on all other purchases (including airfare); 1 percent cash back on all balance transfers (up to $5K) or interest rate-free balance transfers after 12 billing cycles have passed.

If you’re looking for an alternative to the Chase Sapphire Reserve or Citi Prestige cards, consider this instead because it offers even more value in terms of what goes into your wallet if used properly!

Discover it Cash Back

Discover it Cash Back is a great choice for people who want cash back rewards. The card has no annual fee, but it offers 5% cash back on rotating categories each quarter. For example, if you spend $500 on a bicycle during the first quarter of 2019 and then it’s time to redeem your rewards again in June, you can get 5% cash back on that purchase instead of just 1%. If you don’t care about earning extra points and want to maximize your rewards as much as possible without paying an annual fee, this is one of the best cards out there!

Chase Freedom Unlimited

Chase Freedom Unlimited is a good choice if you want to earn cash back on all purchases and have no annual fee. It comes with 5% cash back on up to $1,500 in combined purchases in bonus categories each quarter you activate. You’ll also earn 1% cash back on all other purchases—so it’s not just limited to those specific categories.

Chase’s introductory 0% APR offer is valid for 15 months on both purchases and balance transfers (other banks offer longer periods of low or no interest). The card has an ongoing APR of 16.49%, which is higher than most but still pretty decent considering how much value there is here: If you pay off your balance by the end of the promotional period (which can be done within days or weeks), then you’ll see a nice discount from what would otherwise be an average interest rate for those same balances during that time frame.*

Capital One Quicksilver Cash Rewards Credit Card

The Capital One Quicksilver Cash Rewards Credit Card is a good choice for people who pay their balance in full each month. It has no annual fee and no foreign transaction fees, which means you can use it anywhere around the world without paying any extra charges. You’ll earn 1.5% cash back on all purchases (up to $1,500 per quarter), which adds up to great rewards if you’re careful about how much money you spend on credit cards and don’t go over your limit.

The card offers unlimited rewards that never expire; there are no limits on how much cash back you can earn!

Citi Double Cash Card – 18-month BT offer

The Citi Double Cash Card is a great choice for anyone looking to earn 2% cash back on every purchase, no matter how small. The card comes with a nice signup bonus: you can get $200 when you spend $1,000 in your first three months and then another $150 after that (for a total of $300).

The card also has an annual fee of $0, which includes paying off all balances at the end of your billing cycle automatically by making payments at least once per month. In addition to this benefit, there are no foreign transaction fees and no annual fee for the first year after approval—and these benefits make the Citi Double Cash Card one of our favorite credit cards today!

Wells Fargo Propel American Express® Card

The Wells Fargo Propel American Express® Card is a great choice for consumers who want to earn rewards on their everyday purchases.

The card offers a solid rewards program, including 3x points on gas, grocery, and drugstore purchases. Plus there’s no annual fee and no foreign transaction fees for this cardholder!

Discover it Miles

Discover it Miles is a cash-back credit card that offers 5% cash back on rotating categories and 1% on everything else. The best part about this card is that it has no annual fee, so you can use it for as long as you want without having to worry about paying an annual fee.

The reason why this card is so good for people who travel a lot is because of its unique rotating category rewards scheme: Discover will give you 5% cash back on select purchases within each quarter (e.g., January through March), then 2x points per dollar spent everywhere else until the end of the year when they reset again (i.e., April through June). This means that if travel expenses account for half or more of your spending each month—and they should!—you’ll earn extra rewards simply by using this card!


Hopefully, this list has helped you narrow down your search for the best credit card for your situation. There are plenty of options out there, but we hope that these tips will help guide you in the right direction. Remember that it’s important to do your research before applying for any new accounts—check out our post on how to choose a credit card and make sure there aren’t any hidden fees or penalties!

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Matthew Yuille

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